29.8.2021 kl. 13:14
Minnisblað - 20210829
Þetta eru minnispúnktar fyrir sjálfan mig, þar sem ég er hættur að blogga.
Hversu margir læknar og hjúkrunarkonur hafa sagt upp hjá Sjúkdómagæslu Ríkisins á síðustu átta mánuðum? Það er eins og með pláguna, að þarf enga sönnun, bara hlýða Skrípi, trúa á Sprautólf og treysta Tölmu.
Ég staðhæfi að hérlendis eru engar rannsóknir gerðar á genasprautunum og því engar fullyrðingar marktækar um öryggi.
Sjá tengla:
Allir flokkarnir tóku þátt í þjóðarmorðinu. Þeir eru einn flokkur með mörg andlit. Þannig virkar djöfulmennska.
Lýgveldið hefur ekki ennþá fylgt í fótspor Josefs Biden, að skilgreina "Óreiðumiðlarana tólf" hérlendis. (disinformation dozen).
Það þarf ekki að myrða þjóð sem fremur sjálfsvíg.
Það er tilgangslaust að "vekja" fólk sem hefur "valið" að trúa lýgi.
Betra er að smíða skapandi orðræðu þess í stað.
Níutíuprósent allra "smitaðra" sem settir voru í "sóttkví" er fólk sem hefur sýnt áhuga á samsæriskenningum.
Heldur þú að verði einhverjar barnsfæðingar 2022?
Pláguríkið hefur ekki skráð neinar barnsfæðingar eða dauðsföll síðan í mars/apríl 2021, samkvæmt staðhæfingu athuguls vinar.
Afbrigðin hafa öll 80% sömu gen og vírusinn. Þú hefur 98% sömu gen og Sjimpansi.
... many years after the genocide is over, a german lawyer, rather full of himself (Rainer Fuellmich), sues the elites for crimes against humanity.
In the good'ol days you'd ask her "what's a beauty like you doing in a bar like this" or "hello beautiful, can I buy you a drink?" Now it's "are you a vaxmutant?"
If she's not, then she's probably too intelligent for sleazy pickup-lines anyway.
The last thing the Antivists will see [in their truth bubble] is how their subgroups [as target audience] are isolated and fed.
There are no conspiracy theorists. There are cultural detectives.
Real Christians, Real Jews and Real Muslims, do not fear death and do not believe "the government" or in atheist science. The greatest achievement of Satan, was to divide Monotheists into Christians, Jews and Muslims.
... most Monotheists do not even know what the word means! That's how brainwash works.
The circle of seven angels of light, in the cabinet of Satan, all project a belief in Eschaton. Every one believes in some form of Eschatology, yet now knowing what the word means. That's an achievement of a great brainwash operation.
Authoritarians are invariably a death cult supported by demon worshipers. You will never get any truth from those.
People who still believe in the fake plague, are liars themselves. Forget about them and move on.
In a sane world, you spend time before lunch, trying to decide what you'll cook for dinner.
Where do Talibans buy their clothes? I want to dress like them.
But Russia is funny:
"President Putin's special envoy to Afghanistan, Zamir Kabulov, said Moscow has been working to establish "contacts with the Taliban movement for the last seven years." He added that Russia anticipated the Taliban would "play a leading role in the future of Afghanistan."
Moscow has designated the Taliban as a terrorist organization and outlawed it within Russia. Still, the government unofficially welcomed a Taliban delegation to Moscow in July."
It's just like with Covid - Russia plays the Covid game, but shows the silhouette as if it's playing it more rationally than the insane west. But ALL THE ELITES ARE SATANIC, regardless of what the "socialist state" is named!
See link: